Monday, March 9, 2009

From Olivia: Things

1. Thanks for posting the six-word memoirs. Excellent work. Very funny. A reminder: proofread your postings, and make sure that you use appropriate sentence structure tools when possible.

2. Once again, I messed up our dates--sorry!--and need to remind you of our schedule.

Tomorrow (Tuesday)
More Narrative Essay stuff
RD1 (3 complete pages) due Thursday

Peer Review
Catching up, time? writing exercises
RD2 (4 complete pages): we'll discuss the deadline for this as a group

3. Does anyone want to lead tomorrow's discussion?

4. We'll be signing up for conferences and setting deadlines in class tomorrow.

5. Don't forget that tomorrow's reading comes from E-Res on NEIUport.

6. E-mail me with questions.

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