Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The Global Warming Worry Brings People From All Corners of the World to One Spot
Im honor of NBC's "Going Green Week," many celebrities joined forces to form a national project in which all people in America limit their production of unnecessary harmful gases.  At the head of the organization is George Clooney, famously known for his contributions to this cause.  Although he was held up at the airport because his personal jet was low on fuel, he arrived in style; the stretch Hummer he rolled up in was a traffic-stopping sight.  When he finally got inside and started  the program (a nationally broadcasted telethon), he started by saying, "As our world falls apart, we need to come together."  This statement was followed by a standing ovation worthy of the Queen of England.
However, not to be out-done, Woody Harrelson landed on the roof-top in his helicopter.  Being the eco-friendly man he is, "GO GREEN OR GO HOME" was painted on the side.  When asked about it, he said, "It was very hard to get the paint to stay on the thing, so we had to search for lead-based paint.  A small price to pay for the over-all effect it will have."
While this is going on outside, inside Clooney was giving the people of America a lecture on how to be more conscience of what they are putting into the air.  "Is getting to work early really worth creating holes in the o-zone layer?" he said and was applauded for his strong beliefs.  Also, Clooney continued to stress how important it was for the viewers at home to keep the television on in order to keep up with the developments and news brought about by the many news-choppers circling the area; they were instated to show the miles and miles of traffic caused by the flocks of people coming to support the cause.   
Toward the end of the night, many of the celebrities and other volunteers gathered outside to burn a pile of garbage equal to that of five New York dumpsters; this show of extreme love for the environment created a feeling of togetherness.  Not a single eye was dry as the broadcast came to a close.  
As a final salute to the cause, the celebrities had managed to get the Blue Angels to perform under the stars.  This sight was one of extreme respect and love for Mother Earth, especially considering how much it costs to get this beautiful show off the ground, so to speak.  "These events fuel the passion for the cause," says Clooney.  "Hopefully we can do this again soon.  I feel that it really helped the public how important it is to pay closer attention to how each individual affects the environment.  Remember," he said into the camera, "one person can make all the difference."  How right he is.

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