Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nick's Paper

“Ugh! I know I can do it!” I screamed at the attempt to push a rusty metal pole up in the air. This pole had two massive discs attached to it with the numbers forty-five and twenty-five written in raised letters. Once I finally put up the bar in the resting position, I stood up with a big sigh of relief and stared at the bench press I had just defeated. I stared at myself in the gym mirror, looking at all I had achieved, from the muscular body, to the ripped cuts around my arms. It felt good knowing that all the hard-work I had put in working out helped me get to what I had always wanted to be. When I finished another set of lifting, I rested and stared in the mirror and saw a drop of my sweat running down my forehead to the end of my chin with the speed of a race horse. Seeing this sign of exhaustion only reminded me of what I was before and how I got to where I am now.

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