Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Miss America" and "Faces of the Dead"

This image is more like text to me. I think its trying to show that violence is widespread. The girl who I think is "Ms. America" in the image has blood on her face and then the guy is being pointed by a gun on his head; again showing violence. - Mohammed Khan

In Faces of Dead, I see so many faces of soldiers who died during the war. I clicked on many random faces and noticed most of the soldiers are around 18-26 years old. most of them are close to my age. This can be compared to our theme. Individual vs. the system, where the people who died in the war are the individuals and the system is the war. - Mohammed Khan

1 comment:

Delicia said...

Miss America was an unusually strange image you couldnt make out anything on her face or body seems as if its trying to make a point that is very unclear to me. Face of the Dead makes me feel like i have seen this young man some place before he looks as if he is trying to stay strong but fear is stolen his soul very strange.