Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mayor Daley Sets Meeting to Discuss What’s for Lunch

CHICAGO, IL- Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, calls for a meeting with the City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation to discuss what they will be having for lunch. “We should start eating healthier food for lunch” said Mayor Daley. Adding that he has done the research and he has concluded that the food he has been eating would lead to clogged arteries, and would make him fall asleep on the job. The head of the City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation made a statement saying that they would not be able to afford eating healthier on a daily basis. Although, the Mayor, and The City of Chicago may not see eye to eye on solutions to most of the issues that the city faces, they have come to an agreement that they would raise the sales tax from 10.25% to 18.5%, so they would be able to have a healthier menu for lunch.

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