Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Chicago announces controversial plan to rid city of gangs


Published: November 18, 2009

CHICAGO- In an attempt to rid all the gang problems in Chicago, the Mayor has revealed a plan to send over 100 gang members to an island where they will kill each other.

“Chicago, for many years, has been affected by this senseless violence and the only idea I could come up was to just round all the gang members, put them all in one island with a large amount of weapons, and let them shoot it out.” Chicago Mayor said that this would be less expensive than “various plans that we could have chosen from, but this one made more sense, people want immediate results and when we gave the idea about involving parents in students daily life, helping their children choose what kind of friends they may have, or even building gang rehabilitation centers did not receive approval.”

According to the plan, the proposed island will be chosen as close to the city as possible, the city plans to build an artificial island in the middle of Lake Michigan, it will require approximately five years to complete. Upon completion, a system will choose 100 gang members that have committed at least one offense in the past year, and from there he/she will be kidnapped and taken to the island. Upon awakening he/she will receive a bag with two random weapons and a digital map showing the location of the other gang members. "Killing each other is what they do anyway" says the Mayor "But this time,it will be allowed since it is being done in an controlled environment" There will be only one winner. The process will be repeated as many times as it needs to be.

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