Wednesday, November 18, 2009


People Turn To Cannibalism In Order To Survive

November 15, 2009

Chicago, IL- We all knew this day would eventually come, with the state of the economy these days it is not surprising that the people of the city of Chicago have turned to cannibalism as a form of survival. Homeless people are main people that have resorted to this extreme form of survival. As more and more lower-class and middle-class families lose money in this crappy economy, the amount of people resorting to cannibalism is believed to only increase more and more.

This new trend in Chicago has not been all bad. A man that goes by the name of Bart Parker has actually benefited from this bizarre trend in Chicago by opening the world’s first restaurant that specializes in cooking and selling human meat. It has been named Lé Húman. This restaurant is quickly gaining 5 star status among the residents of Chicago. The homeless people that fill the alleys and abandoned streets of Chicago are happy that the trend they began has become a major hit in this city. They are not pleased, although, that it is their own kind that is being hunted down for the food served at Lé Húman.

One such man, Gregory First, is not at all pleased. “I am not happy because it started as us (homeless people) eating the weak and the sick, but now we are all being hunted, I have no where to go so I don’t feel safe at all. The owner of Lé Húman, Henry Tosh, defends himself by saying “Our meat is made from the finest human flesh, if that means cleaning the streets of Chicago of homeless people then so be it. We are doing a good thing.”

Now it is up to the citizens of Chicago to decide whether or not what is happening to this city is a good thing or an inhumane thing. One thing is for certain, we have been stripped of our humanity and forced to rely on our primal instincts.

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